Being the history buff I claim to be and having an affinity toward historic buildings, I suggested we spend a little time touring the Auburn University campus. I know, how can a UGA grad (i.e., Jamie) and a former UGA student (i.e., me) even think of stepping on an SEC competitor's campus without a sporting event taking place?
I guess the history wins out, I love the feel of college towns and walking the campus. I just feel smarter walking past the old buildings. I have to admit, Auburn has a beautiful campus. Not quite as sprawling as UGA, but the buildings are just as majestic.
The campus was like a ghost town, the semester and graduation having just passed. We stopped in for a refreshing drink at Toomer's Drugs, 
a local icon and must see when visiting Auburn. I think what I enjoyed most, aside from seeing my family, was just being on a college campus. 

I really miss that, being in such an inspirational learning environment. It makes me excited about working on my degree and is a little awesome to think the boys will be considering college in about four years. You heard me, four years . . . they begin eighth grade this year, start considering colleges their Junior year. It hardly seems possible they were brought home from the hospital and tiny little men and now they are young men. Awesome, there really is no other word.
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