Thursday, January 29, 2009

Flu in the Coop

OK, so it's a bad pun, but we've been infected. I think it may have gone to my brain. It is a little difficult to come up with clever and witty titles for these things when you feel so crummy. I'll stop my whining and just write.

We've come to then end of yet another event filled week. Tomorrow is Friday. I would have worked all week, but three of us, including me, were sick today. I hope to knock this by tomorrow because we have big plans for the weekend.

I've worked in two grade levels this week. I think I've found my calling. I am encouraged by all of the teachers and staff who give me such positive feedback. I love being with the kids and teaching all different things. I visited the first graders this week and was run over with hugs and love from even the most difficult kids. It really made my day.

I think that's about it for now. It's almost time for Girl Scout Cookies! Sales are in and now we wait for those delicious confections that only come once a year. Track season is starting next week. Miles is interested in running hurdles. Taylor hasn't said what he wants to do. Look for new pictures to come this weekend. I finally have Christmas, New Year's and Emma's Birthday pictures to share! Keep us in your prayers. We love you all!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

First Grade Graduation

I survived last week. Actually, I had a lot of fun and had the good fortune to be blessed by three wonderful first grade teachers. They came to my aide at all times and helped me get through a really tough week. Jamie said it was, "baptism by fire," and I couldn't agree more. I learned a lot and hopefully taught the students in my care something a long the way. I've been inspired by the principal and the other teachers to look into how I can complete me degree. So Hooray for the First Grade! Tomorrow I will be with the kindergartners. I can't wait to see what fun we will have and what new things I can write about for you to enjoy.

I'll leave you with the highlight from my week in first grade: Fabulous Fun Friday, our last day together, we had made it! I taught a lesson on polygons using tanagram puzzles. We learned the names of all the different shapes and made creative pictures using only geometric shapes. We made chicks, gumball machine, a piece of candy, a pinwheel, and a flower. The kids were encouraged to be creative. Some of them came up with the funniest pictures, like a "walking car." Some of the kids were so detailed, adding scenery and drawings to enhance their pictures. We had so much fun, but this is not my most treasured moment.

As the kids finished their pictures some of the kids and I started on a math puzzle/maze. We used odd numbers to find our way through a maze and help our dog find his bone. This sounds really simple, but for these kids it was a difficult concept. I taught the kids odd number recognition. We were even using double digits, so I had to teach place value too. We worked together as a class to solve the puzzle. We had so much fun working on this we were late to play in art class.

I told the other first grade teachers about what we worked on and even they were impressed the kids got it, I mean really got it! The teachers told me that what we were doing was difficult even for their first graders. I should let you know, the class I was working in is one which is below or just at grade level. Many of the children have behavioral and emotional difficulties.
I have a new found respect for these men and women who take on entering the realm of education, especially for those children in underprivileged areas.

Good night all, and God bless you this week!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Still Blue

I haven't managed to convert my images on disc to a flash drive yet, so while you're waiting I figured it should be time for a new update on the family.

I am working again. I am substitute teaching for Emma's elementary school. Last week I was really busy filling in where needed, I did have an actual assignment, but during part of the day I was asked to float from different grade levels to help the teachers catch up on last minute testing before the end of the semester. This week I will be in a first grade class, the same class all week. I don't know how well I will handle the little ones, but I am sure they will teach me something.

Miles and Taylor wrap up their basketball season this week. I hope I can attend their last game. The boys will have a break from sports before track season begins. They are still enjoying their classes and learning their musical instruments. I can hardly believe we are half way through the school year. We are looking forward to eighth grade already. Only 59 days before I am the mother of "official" teenagers. I think this is more difficult for me to believe than the boys entering eighth grade.

We are attending a new local church, one which seems to fit the whole family a little better, including Alice. The church as a deaf ministry with really great people. It is nice to see Alice meet new people from the area and enjoy learning the word of God.

That's about it for now, exciting I know . . . I still miss Colorado. It is a little strange to walk around in t-shirt and shorts in the middle of January. I am looking forward to the spring, I guess there is something in me which longs for the feel of fresh tilled earth beneath my fingernails. Only this year it will come a little quicker than the last two years.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Computer Blues

Christmas Eve and wouldn't you know my camera decides to quit working. So I brought out the trusty ol' 35mm and began taking pictures to lock this year in time. The pictures are developed and home and not avaliable on the web :(. But I do have them on disc :). But my computer is not happy and refuses to open the disc reader :(.

We enjoyed a small, but nice Christmas. Jamie took off a little time from the office. We played board games and watched movies. Some of us were sick and are just beginning to feel better. The weather in Houston is a little crazy lately, freezing with rain one day and warm and sunny the next, my allergies can't take much more of the see-saw.

I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. I'm looking forward to 2009 and all of the changes this year brings for the Turner Family. Happy 2009!