Thursday, June 18, 2009

Brownie Troop 11681: Bluebonnett Trails

Girls just want to have fun! This is the second year Emma was in Brownies. Her troop started out small and grew during the school year. The girls met at Salyers Elementary for meetings and worked on many different activities. They made care packages for the US Military stationed in Iraq, learned how to make Brownie Swaps, and earned three TryIts. For the last meeting the girls had a luau party. We danced the limbo, played silly games, and celebrated being Girl Scouts! Next year the girls will be "Bridging Up" to Jr. Girl Scouts. I am excited to be a part of this group and hope to see the girls build lasting friendships. Here are a few pictures from their celebration.

Emma was being clever, the pole was too low so she jumped over it!

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Look at how adorable she is! Man she is getting so big so quick.